Our founder Alex has been developing a short course for graduate engineers on how to use the Git version control system. At Dynamic Devices we often run these types of courses for the engineering team. Hopefully, this might be helpful and interesting.

In Part One Alex talks about the basics of how to get started with Git from the Linux terminal commands. Also why we use version software, some of the historical options, and in particular how to drive Git and use GitHub with git repositories.

This session covers,

    • Why we use version control and different tools and strategies over time
    • How git is architected
    • Installing Git and setting up a GitHub repository
    • Cloning a repository locally
    • Modifying a file, seeing those changes, staging, and committing
    • Commit messages and referencing issues on GitHub
    • Setting up credentials and SSH key
    • Pushing branches up to remote endpoints
    • Link specific commits to Git issues

The Git Markdown Cheatsheet reference is here: https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/markdown-cheatsheet

In Part Two, Alex will cover more advanced use cases of Git. Join us as we uncover the next level of Git usage.

Next time we are aiming to cover,

    • Branching / Merging
    • Cherry-picking commits
    • Resolving conflicts during merge
    • Diffing and patching
    • Importance of .gitignore
    • How to amend commits

Expand your knowledge, sharpen your skills, and become a master of Git! Good luck and see you next time!

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