Earlier, let you know that our CEO, Alex Lennon, was representing Dynamic Devices at the Yocto Project Summit 2022! Last week he presented his journey with “Yocto Layer CI Build and Test with GitHub Actions”.
For those of you who didn’t manage to attend the Yocto Summit his presentation has now been uploaded to YouTube for all to see.
See the presentation here.
“The Yocto Project is an open source collaboration project that provides templates, tools and methods to help you create custom Linux-based systems for embedded system deployments. Primarily, the systems are for connected edge devices, servers, or virtual environments, regardless of the hardware architecture.
As an open source project, the Yocto Project operates with a hierarchical governance structure based on meritocracy. This enables the project to remain independent of any one of its member organizations. Furthermore, our member organisations participate in various ways and provide resources to the project.“ – Yoctoproject.org
Please feel free to share Alex’s talk around the embedded space!
Also, If you would like to learn more about the Yocto Project, please visit https://www.yoctoproject.org/.
Additionally, If you want to watch more of the Yocto Project 2022 Summit, including Alex’s presentation, please visit the YouTube playlist.
Finally, if you’re interested in what Dynamic Devices has been up to recently, please visit our blog.